Christopher Celaya
3 min readMar 5, 2022


gm frens,

I’m writing you all today to bring something up for awareness as you continue to work and make decisions about your business each and every day.

Note: These are mostly personal notes and don’t give a deep dive analysis.I’ve tailored them to be short, sweet, and to the point so you can collect what
information is relevant for you and your situation quickly so you can move on.

Companies today

Without a social integration, your mental health and company will not survive time. Millennial workers are tired, feel unappreciated, gen Z lives at home with Mom and Dad so they don’t have any reason to be dependent or look into the real estate market. These are the one’s who are working for you. If they don’t feel valued, they won’t have a reason to care. It’s hard to fill a simple position right now because you probably don’t pay enough, do anything interesting, or have any relevance to what’s cool today. It’s the same advice I tell my little brother.

Do not move out. Stay at home with mom and dad.
I don’t want you learning the same way I did because
not only is it hard or mentally exhausting but ultimately
slows you down as you progress through another year of life.

He’s in his teens and works for a movie theater loving what he does for work and his personal interests.Movies, Marvel, and Community.

Innovate and get with the times, otherwise you’re a dinosaur and will become obsolete and irrelevant

Look guys, I’m not going to beat around the bush, push some years of experiences of mba or anything like that. It’s simple,

If you don’t have a social integration today, you’ll be irrelevant tomorrow. Don’t let that be you.
Let’s be honest. Nobody cashes checks or see’s a teller today.At least I wouldn’t….unless it were in the Metaverse.

As a developer I depend on certain resources. Software, data centers, services, etc…So wen my internet connection goes out, I’m naturally pulling up Discord or Slack to see whats up. I’m not calling “customer support” nor do kids these days even know what that means. The services you are providing are relevant to your users TODAY. Otherwise, it’s not cool. So it’s Q1 2022, you’re still saying right click an NFT and have no clue about Discord.

Do what’s best for you and your users. Don’t be the reason for not providing value to your community.


Learn about Discord and how to not just hire but FIND someone who can manage simple tasks such as configure a server chatbox. They are your most important asset. Be sure to show endless gratitude because nobody wants to handle an unhappy community.

Google search terms: social blockchains, web3, decentraland, robolx, minecraft metaverse, esports

Find and create strong relationships with your resources. If you do not how to find someone capable of understanding and deploying a complex task, you are now energy at rest. The laws of physics define you as no longer relevant nor interesting. These bodies ultimately die in the universe.

Find friends building on blockchains and with web3. These need to be your most valuable resource for innovation because at the end of the day, if you don’t ever push out new or interesting features it’s a boring app. Developers today actually playing with this cutting edge technology will make your company landing page far cooler than what the lead competitor is doing today. They’re leverage. Compensate them for their time with opportunities.

Key Points

If you’re not willing to innovate, you’d bore even a theoretical physicist being energy at rest.

NFT’s are not art
Nor are they are they even digital art

Digital markets will always outperform analog markets.



Christopher Celaya

Recently discovered Medium and very new to content creation. Passionate about helping others protect themselves and their personal data.